Poem: Beneath the Rubble
Last updated: 24-07-2024
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In the mind's depths, a child's faint cry,
Muffled by rubble piled sky-high.
Years of anger, fear, and control,
Bury the beat of a tender soul.
Society's chorus, a constant drone:
"Move on, don't feel, stand on your own."
No space for sadness, no time for grief,
Just keep going, find no relief.
But listen closely, can you hear?
A young voice calling, drawing near.
From underneath the heavy weight,
A heart still beating, refuses to wait.
In therapy's warm and gentle light,
We turn to heal this hidden plight.
Each stone we lift with patient care,
Reveals the wisdom buried there.
As rubble clears and light shines through,
She finds the truth she always knew.
The adult self, now whole and strong,
Welcomes the child who waited long.
No longer trapped, no longer alone,
The younger self finds a loving home.
In nurturing both joy and pain,
She learns to fully live again.
Young and old selves, now hand in hand,
Together in the present stand.
A soul made whole, at last set free,
Embracing all it means to be.