David O'Donohue

Clinical Psychologist

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Current Availability

I'm currently at full capacity in my private practice. However, I'm available through "here", a separate company where I work as a contractor. To see me through "here", please complete this intake form and request me specifically. If you prefer my private practice, check back periodically for openings. For immediate support, please see my alternatives page for other services.


Now, if you are still reading, I invite you to take a deep breath. As you do, you might notice the gentle rise and fall of your chest. Perhaps you'd like to settle into your surroundings, feeling the weight of your body grounding you to this present moment. As you continue to breathe, you may become aware of its rhythm, a constant companion on your life's journey. As you read these words, allow yourself, if you wish, to sink into a space of curiosity and potential.

photo of David Hello there. I'm David O'Donohue, a clinical psychologist offering guidance for those ready to explore the intricate landscapes of their inner world.

A Space for Authentic Expression

As you step into the therapy space, you might notice a sense of calm settling over you. Picture yourself sinking into a comfortable chair, feeling its support beneath you. The room around you is designed to be a container for whatever you might bring to our session.

As time unfolds, you may become aware of a gentle rhythm emerging in the space. Your words might flow more freely than you expected, finding their way into the open air. You might feel a subtle shift as you realise your experiences are being received and held with care - perhaps in a way you've rarely encountered before.

In this environment, you may find yourself noticing the ebb and flow of your emotions more clearly. A slight change in your tone, a subtle shift in your posture - these unspoken expressions are part of your story, too. You may be surprised at the depth of understanding that can arise from paying attention to these moments.

This is a place where your experiences, in all their complexity, are welcomed. Here, you're invited to explore, to question, to simply be. It's a space where your unique journey is the focus, where curiosity about your experiences is the guiding principle. In this protected environment, we may embark on a journey of self-discovery, moving at a pace that feels right for you. There's no rush, no pressure, no judgment. Only a gentle invitation to explore, understand, and heal.

Navigating the Labyrinth: Our Inner World and Its Hidden Passages

Imagine your inner world as a vast, intricate labyrinth. Some pathways are well-lit and frequently traveled, representing the parts of ourselves we readily accept.

But there are other passages - shadowy and unexplored - that often contain the experiences and emotions we've tried to avoid or protect ourselves from, usually because they felt too overwhelming or shameful to face.

These hidden passages often house our deepest vulnerabilities, stemming from attachment wounds and past traumas. In our attempts to avoid these areas, we build internal barriers and station guardians at certain junctions, requiring constant energy to maintain. These guardians, born from our deep-seated fears, work tirelessly to divert us from these vulnerable parts of our psyche.

Paradoxically, it's often these barriers, guardians, and the effort of maintaining them that create or intensify the very concerns bringing you to therapy. While their intention is to protect, they can hold us back from the connection and authenticity we crave. We may consciously desire genuine relationships and self-acceptance, yet these protective mechanisms can lead us to unknowingly avoid the very intimacy we seek, often resulting in patterns of self-sabotage. Moreover, the avoided content within these hidden passages doesn't simply disappear; it can emerge in unconscious ways, influencing our behaviors, relationships, and well-being in ways we may not readily understand.

Our work together is like a gentle exploration of this labyrinth of your psyche. With compassion as our lantern, we'll slowly approach those unexplored passages. As we carefully navigate them, we begin a process of reclaiming and integrating the lost parts of yourself, moving towards a more authentic and whole sense of self.

In our exploration, we'll draw upon an integrated psychodynamic and somatic approach. This perspective recognises that the body and the unconscious are intrinsically linked - the body provides access to the unconscious, while unconscious material resides within the body. Our work together emphasises bringing avoided, painful, but authentic and important content to the conscious mind through curious and compassionate exploration.

In our therapeutic journey, we approach these hidden passages and their guardians with gentleness and understanding. We acknowledge their important protective role while exploring how we might redirect their energy. As you allow yourself to be more authentic, less energy may be needed for avoidance and control, freeing up resources for growth and self-discovery.

As we carefully navigate these unexplored areas of your inner labyrinth, we create space for a more authentic and whole sense of self to emerge. This journey towards vulnerability and genuine intimacy is taken step by step. Through this exploration, many find they're better equipped to navigate uncertainty, improve relationships, and gain a richer understanding of themselves.

Listening to the Whispers in the Labyrinth

As we navigate the labyrinth of your inner world, we pay attention to the myriad ways your experiences manifest. This isn't just about conscious thoughts or physical sensations, but about noticing the subtle currents that flow through the passages of your being.

You might become aware of:
1. The wisdom your body holds: A tightness in your chest, a flutter in your stomach - these physical sensations are messengers, perhaps pointing to unexplored passages we've yet to discover.
2. The wanderings of your mind: Where your thoughts drift when given space can reveal hidden pathways to unexplored areas of your psyche.
3. The dynamics of our therapeutic relationship: How you feel in our interactions can mirror patterns from your life, offering valuable insights into your ways of relating to others and yourself.
4. Spontaneous ideas and images: Thoughts or visualisations that seem to arise from nowhere often carry profound meaning, like clues to navigating sections of the labyrinth you didn't know existed.
5. Emotional echoes: How past experiences resonate with present moments, coloring your perceptions and reactions in ways you might not have noticed before.

By learning to listen to these various aspects of your experience, you can develop a more complete understanding of yourself. This holistic approach can lead to profound insights and lasting change. As we progress, you might find:
- Previously blocked passages opening up, allowing for a more integrated and authentic sense of self
- The quiet whispers of your body growing clearer, offering valuable guidance through the labyrinth
- Previously overwhelming emotions becoming more manageable and even friendly, as they finally feel acknowledged and understood
- The protective barriers you've built within the labyrinth gradually softening, allowing for more authentic and vulnerable connections with others and yourself
- A newfound capacity to sit with uncertainty and intense emotions, finding peace in the twists and turns of your inner journey
This process of noticing and exploring is gentle yet powerful. It's about creating a space where all parts of you - known and unknown, comfortable and challenging - can be acknowledged and integrated. As we journey together, you may discover new depths to your experiences, uncovering strengths and resources you didn't know you had.

As you become more attuned to these subtle signals, you may develop a richer, more nuanced relationship with your inner labyrinth. This growing self-awareness can lead to a sense of empowerment, as you learn to navigate your internal landscape with greater ease and understanding.

A Personal Journey

I, too, have walked through the winding paths of my own inner labyrinth, encountering unexpected turns and protective guardians along the way. It's been a long journey, and one that I'm still navigating. Through reflection, mindfulness, self-compassion, and my own therapy, I continue to explore and understand the intricate passages of my psyche.

This ongoing personal journey informs my work as a therapist. It deepens my empathy, fuels my commitment to growth, and reminds me of the courage it takes to venture into the unexplored areas of our inner world. I bring this lived experience to our sessions, not as someone who has mapped out the entire labyrinth, but as a fellow traveller who understands the challenges and rewards of the terrain.

Our Therapeutic Partnership

In our work together, my role is not to provide a map with predefined routes, but to walk beside you with open-minded curiosity as we explore the labyrinth of your inner world. We'll examine the unique twists and turns of your experiences and perspectives, never judging, always seeking to understand and connect more deeply.

This journey is about rediscovering your authentic self, welcoming all aspects of your experience, and responding with self-compassion. It's an invitation to wholeness - a chance to reclaim the parts of yourself you've hidden in distant corners of the labyrinth and to cultivate a deep, abiding connection with your true nature. Through this process, many find they're better equipped to navigate the uncertainty of life's maze, improve relationships, and gain a richer understanding of themselves.

Taking the First Step

Take another deep breath. Feel the quiet stirring of possibility within you, like a gentle breeze at the entrance of your inner labyrinth.

The journey of self-discovery and healing is a profound one, and deciding to embark on it is a courageous act. Seeking a guide for this exploration is a testament to your strength and desire for a more fulfilling life.

Welcome to the possibility of coming home to yourself, of reclaiming all parts of your experience with compassion and understanding, and of living with greater authenticity and integration. As we step into the labyrinth together, know that each turn, each discovery, brings you closer to a more whole and authentic version of yourself.